Finally: JibberJobber Gets a New Dress! (design makeover)

Well, after months of meetings, chats, work, more work, and then more work, we have put on the new “dress” for JibberJobber.

What do I mean by “dress?”  I go back to my post from February when I said:

I was on the phone with a savvy investor a few weeks ago and he said “JibberJobber is like a beautiful woman in an ugly dress. You really need to change the dress!”

I’m guessing about 50% of the people will like this, some will hate it, and some will not care.

Personally, I’ll need a few weeks to get used to it.  I’m slow like that 😉

What does the redesign mean?  One thing it will mean is that people won’t wonder if we are an ancient website, designed in 2006 by a non-designer.  In fact, that is part of our history, and I’ll miss the old dress.  But it’s time to look like the other cool kids on the web.

Do you know what’s “out?”  Home links.  There is no more link labeled HOME.  Yesterday someone emailed saying “argh! I need to get to the home page!  How do I do that??”  (I’m paraphrasing)

To get home, simply click the LOGO in the top right corner.  It’s not intuitive, but neither is Steve Jobs’ ipod … how do you turn that off?  YOU HAVE TO HOLD THE PLAY BUTTON DOWN FOR A FEW SECONDS.

Seriously, how intuitive is that?  Well, we think it’s great because Steve tells us it’s great. And I’m sure Steve would tell us that removing the home link is great, because we should all just know to click on the logo… right?  Right!

I’ve already gotten some very complimentary emails from people on the new design.  So it was a good move.  Much needed move.  And now, to other (more important) projects… 🙂

Tomorrow, a post on a super cool feature we just released (with the new design)…

5 thoughts on “Finally: JibberJobber Gets a New Dress! (design makeover)”

  1. Overall I like it, though I wish the vertical spacing in List Panels was a little tighter.

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