JibberJobber, Unemployment Insurance, Staying Organized in a Job Search

Check out this very cool email I got from Carolyn in Minnesota:

[JibberJobber] is wonderful. It helped me organize my job search quickly and I was ready when summoned to the unemployment office to show that I’m doing everything I can. She said no one ever comes in having done so much in just four weeks. I brought my jobs report and told her about JibberJobber.

JibberJobber users… more organized, more productive.  That could lead to a bit of “peace of mind,” don’t you think?

If you aren’t using it yet, or don’t feel like it’s a significant part of your job search, sign up for the next user webinar (we do it every Wednesday).

While there, sign up for the Ask the Expert webinars – they are all free, and all awesome!

(Please tell your workforce services person about JibberJobber… many don’t know about it, but they should!)

1 thought on “JibberJobber, Unemployment Insurance, Staying Organized in a Job Search”

  1. This blog gives people a way to have peace of mind when they are in there job search. Action destroys fear!

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