Diane Kohler thoughts on 51 Alternatives to a Real Job

diane_kohlerDiane Kohler’s tagline is “Career & emotional intelligence coach parlays experience, enthusiasm & humor to help people & orgs thrive!” She got one of the early copies of my book and wrote this in an email to me (her comments bolded and indented):

I am just finishing reading your book and I hope you are already working on its sequel.

I told her it would depend on how this book did … writing a book is a BIG project 🙂

MY hope for your book is that job seekers don’t just scan the table of contents and decide they don’t want to paint numbers on curbs, etc, and leave the book unexplored.

This is my hope and my fear, really.  If I picked up the book and looked at the LIST of ideas in the table of contents, I probably would not buy it.  But, if you read the stories and experiences and tips that are in almost every idea/chapter, that is where you get the good stuff…

You are so right that it’s value is in providing kindling, sparks, catalysts for HOPE.

This book is 99% hope and catalyst, and 1% list of ideas.

People need to read it not to necessarily to find THEIR next idea there, but to fan the flames of their own imagination.

Humans are much smarter than we think.  If you think the list is limited at 51 ideas, or 501 ideas, you are wrong.  YOU might have something completely unique to offer.

Thank you, Diane, for sharing these thoughts with me and my blog readers 🙂