Know What We Do Around Here All Day?

Well… we’re not quite sure! 🙂 But one thing we have as a top priority is making things better for you. That’s why you see improvements in JibberJobber on a regular basis. A couple of days ago we slipped some new features in and we wanted to make sure you knew about it. They may seem trivial (we have a huge – HUGE enhancement coming out in April/May) but they are nice “finishing touches” for you.

Thing 1 – better navigation when you add a new record

When you add a job or a network contact or target company there are some new checkboxes under the save button. Its self-explanatory but allows you more options when you save a record (I’ve used all three for various reasons). Notice if you leave them unchecked then it will go to the list panel (like it has been up to now).

Save and checkbox options

Thing 2 – better option when you use Anagram

One guy e-mailed me and said “I just added 120 contacts in an hour using Anagram!” But one thing that bugged me was that I wanted to double-check the data from the big Anagram box on the right and make sure that it all went in the right form fields on the left. We had defaulted it so that once you clicked the “Fill Out Form” button all the data would disappear. Now we have a new box that says “keep data in this box” so you can decide what to do. Personally I check that box every time.

Anagram - keep data in this box option

Thing 3 – plays nice with TinyURL

At the bottom of the Add Network Contact page we have “services” … this is where you can say someone’s instant messenger is MSN (or IM), and their handle is Or their Skype ID is hounddog. Or their Yahoo handle for chatting is

Big thanks to John Reinke (who has a really, really good blog) for suggesting we add the ability to put in a TinyURL.

Now you can add JUST the last part of the TinyURL … or the entire URL, like these two images (the key is to make sure that you put “tinyurl” in the name of service box):

Add add entire TinyURL URL

And the result will be this (notice that either way it makes it a link that goes to the right place):

and it turns into this link!

Thing 4 – plays nice with all URL’s

While we were at it we threw in a bonus. If you put an http or https (so its a website) then that will turn into a link also.
In this example I say its the contact’s LinkedIn profile (the box isn’t very long so you can’t see the entire link):

adding a LinkedIn profile as a

and the result is this (a clickable link):

and it turns into this link!

Notice that you can put in someone’s Jobster profile, their Emurse profile, blogs, other URLs, etc. Sometimes I put in
extra phone numbers… I treat this like an extra field (or, a user-defined field).

So there you go – enjoy the added features! And if you have any requests please send them our way!

What do you think?

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