Just What Is Premium, Anyway?

Just 3 more days until the special upgrade to lifetime offer expires!! Login to upgrade today!

Here are just some of the things I love about Premium:

I would die without the e-mail reminder on action items. I don’t live on the JibberJobber home page (which is where you can see your action items listed free), but I do live on my e-mail. Getting a reminder in my e-mail is huge, and worth the $10/month. Click here for the video.

Sending myself an action item via e-mail

I forgot just how cool the Network Relationship Goals was until I did a 2 minute video last week for a user in Europe. Here’s the video – I don’t think any other system does something like this for you and it is a valuable tool to proactively manage your relationships.

Network relationship goals

I rarely use the List Panel search boxes because I want to search for a name or company and get every hit I can. Premium users can use the main search box in the top right corner and search on all of their data (regular users only search on the library – yes they can use the list panel search boxes but it just ain’t the same).

global search box

I have over 600 network contacts – premium users can have as many as they want. Regular users only get 250. That is actually a lot, but I need more than 250.

all of my contacts... so far!

Premium users can have as many log entries as they want – regular users get 10 per contact (which is a lot – going to be using 2,500 log entries anytime soon?).

unlimited log entries

I like to rank things! Regular can rank their network contacts but premium can rank jobs and companies!

Ranking things...

I use the import/export a lot more than I thought I would. It was originally designed to help you get up to speed (import all of your network) – that is why you can use it in the first 14 days of signing up! But I frequently use it to import my LinkedIn contacts, and export to other tools like ConstantContact.

importing and exporting

Do you know how COOL the printable phone directory is? Premium users can get all kinds of cool “reports” – a customized phone directory including/excluding certain groups of contacts, or just e-mail addresses, or a zip file of vcards… its very powerful and very useful.

options for your contacts

Premium users get a private library – this is where I put all of the books people recommend to me, cool websites, etc. Its not de.lico.us but its also private … finally, a place to put my reading lists!

you get your own private library

On the interview preparation, as a premium user, I’m allowed to categorize my answers. So if I am preparing one interview for the healthcare industry, and another for retail, I can group my answers and then get a printout of just the right answers for either interview. This is unlimited, and if you are employed you could group various elevator pitches, etc. depending on the situations where you would need them.

Interview preparation categories

Yep, there’s even more – click on this link to see the entire (outdated) list. And there’s a list of new stuff coming out that will mostly be premium. You already know about the Outlook sync – other features will be awesome and available to those that are premium.

Just 3 more days until the special upgrade to lifetime offer expires!! Login to upgrade today!

2 thoughts on “Just What Is Premium, Anyway?”

  1. Just a quick note regarding Demetrius’ comment – JibberJobber can be used by recruiters but it is a personal career management tool designed or anyone that has a career … it’s not “just” a recruiter’s tool… more on this on Monday 🙂

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