New York Times & Wired & Newsday and THE CONTEST

New York Times and JibberJobber and LinkedIn ... and more!New York Times Mentions JibberJobber and my books

Welcome to New York Times readers, who came across JibberJobber (and my books) from a mention in yesterday’s Career Couch column. Huge thanks to Eilene Zimmerman for the opportunity to share my thoughts to her readers. Of course, it’s an excellent column, talking about what to do in an extended (yuck) job search.

One of the new signups from the NYT article asked if JibberJobber is like a virtual career coach… here’s my answer:

Think of JibberJobber as a for your job search. It’s all private (not a social network), where you put in your network contacts (import them from LinkedIn, Outlook, etc.) and track things to actually nurture a relationship (rank the relationships, add notes, log entries, action items, etc.). Put your target companies and do the same thing (notes, action items, etc.) Log who you meet in each company so you can “network your way into the company,” put in your elevator pitches, and all that. Basically, what a career coach would tell you to do, you do here, instead of a spreadsheet or a spiral notebook.

Of course, if you are looking for a career coach, I partner with the best in the industry. You can find my partners here.

Wired Wiki on getting more out of LinkedInWired Magazine’s How To Wiki Reporter Writes about “Getting Ahead with LinkedIn”

I did a fun interview with a Wired Magazine writer Lora Shinn. Wired magazine? Who’d-a-thunk that a guy like me would get any ink there. I didn’t even know Wired had a wiki, and I’m usually not a proponent of wiki’s, but guess what? Lifehacker picked it up. Me in Lifehacker? Amazing. Very flattering.

Newsday - Linkedin and Facebook for your careerNewsday Asks for LinkedIn and Facebook Strategy Makeovers

I talked to three Newsday readers and coached them on how to get more out of LinkedIn and Facebook. Of course, there wasn’t room to write it all, but it was an entire article. Thanks to Patricia Kitchen for the idea and opportunity to be the coach for this article, it was a blast. As a bonus, I hear the printed version actually had my picture in it… that might be a first 🙂

JibberJobber - for your career!JibberJobber Rebranding Contest

Today is the last day of THE CONTEST. I’ll share one submission with you… it’s from my dad, so he’s automatically disqualified from winning 🙂

JIBBERJOBBER – securing stream(s) of income – it’s not what you know but who knows you.

I’ve received some great submissions, which I’ll start posting this week. Voting is coming soon!

What an excellent year this has been. Good think I wasn’t good enough to get a job on my own 😉

2 thoughts on “New York Times & Wired & Newsday and THE CONTEST”

  1. Jason-
    Congrats on the great press! I have recommended your website many times to the employed and unemployed alike. It has great cross-over appeal!

  2. I’m so dang proud of you Jason!

    All well-deserved press.

    And, yes, the irony of “not good enough to get a job,” but excellent enough to be a kick-ass entrepreneur, is true just desserts for the pain and suffering you endured in your last “real job.”



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