The ABCs of Public Speaking

Today I’m writing a post as a birthday present for my Austin buddy, Thom Singer.  Thom is really, really old today.  I’m not sure how old (oh, just checked his blog – he is 43 years old today – a lot older than me :p), but he has to be a lot older than me :p  For his present, I’m highlighting his new blog series called The ABCs of Public Speaking.

A is for the Audience

B is for Backstage

C is for Confidence

D is for Dress Code

… that’s all he has now – to keep up on this series go to and subscribe to his blog towards the top right… I’ve subscribed for a couple of years and always look to see what he writes.

(no, he has no idea I’m writing this post, or suggesting people subscribe – but this post kills two birds for me – first, it is my bday present to him, second, many people ask me about speaking… and I know Thom has excellent info about speaking!)

Happy birthday Thom!

Have you seen the LinkedIn for Job Seekers teaser video on YouTube?  Check it out and let me know what you think!

2 thoughts on “The ABCs of Public Speaking”

  1. Jason, you continue to amaze me with how you always are giving to others. You are a good example that if you want to create a real network filled with people who go out of their way to be of assistance, you first must find ways to assist others in reaching their goals.

    thanks for the birthday wishes (and watch out there, cowboy, you will get old too!!!), and for the kind words about me and my writing.


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