JibberJobber Clarification: What Email Do You Get?

I got another “delete my account” message that I have to share here.  I’ve gotten this 2 other times (in 4+ years):

“i get nonstop mail i do not want”

In response, I have to make this statement: We are very, very, very careful about what email messages we send out.

In fact, we send out far less than we should, for fear of having our email server plagued and flagged as a spamming server.  Here’s what you get:

  • When you sign up, you get a confirmation email to the email address you put in… that way we can know you actually own that email address.
  • Birthday emails… when you put a birthday in the system for any of your contacts you’ll get (a) one email at the beginning of each month for upcoming birthdays and (b) an email for each contact.
  • Action item emails… if you are premium, you’ll get an email for each Action Item based on your preferences.
  • Maybe, out of the blue, and email from me… I try to send emails regularly but it’s about once a year.

IF you are getting other emails, spammy stuff, then let me share some thoughts. I was an email admin for a few years and my opinion is that spammers are winning, and will win, on the war against spam.

If you are getting spam, welcome to the Internet.

If you are getting more spam since you signed up for JibberJobber, I can tell you, it’s not from, or because of, us.  We don’t share or sell your contact information with anyone.

No one.  Period.

Maybe it’s because of a general uptick in spam.

Maybe it’s from another site/service you have visited.

But it isn’t because of, or from, JibberJobber.com.