Eight Lunches Update: Interested in starting a business?

A few years ago I had a vision of a super cool book that would allow you to be the proverbial fly on the wall, listening to two entrepreneurs discuss their businesses, and what they are doing to be successful.

I introduced the first draft on my JasonAlba blog, and had a bunch of people ask to review it.  Unfortunately, I got overwhelmed by all the feedback and had to let it sit for a while.

I recently got the second draft done, and have been getting reviews, testimonials and feedback (click here if you are interested in seeing this second draft).

Karin Hermans, a wood floor expert in the UK, and author of the Wooden Floor Installation Manual (and many other wood floor manuals), wrote this:

Read it in one go; I’d buy it, promote it, rave about it 😉

Really big improvement on the first draft, Paul now has 3 dimensions and it turned into a two-way conversation.

(Picked up two ideas from the story myself, I’ll be working on them over the coming weeks ;-))

One small idea to perhaps add at the beginning of the book? Suggest to the reader to read one chapter at the time, per week even. Then, because every lunch ends with “home-work”, the reader should do the dame home-work as Paul will do, turning it into more than just a business/guide book.

You could even add a few blank pages between the chapters for notes/home-work execution?

It’s an honor to get this type of feedback from someone like Karin, who already runs a successful business. Here’s another awesome snippet of feedback from Ellie Cook-Venezia (on Twitter / on LinkedIn):

Grab EIGHT LUNCHES, the perfect primer for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, small business owners, managers and the like and head to your favorite sandwich shop and start reading! Be a fly on the wall as you witness two business owners engaged in conversation in this easy read that not only serves as a reference guide, but provides actionable ideas for you to implement. People at your favorite sandwich shop watching you read EIGHT LUNCHES will start the conversation – so get reading, get talking, and start you own eight lunches and their actionable ideas!

I am getting more feedback, and hope to have the book in print in the next few months.  From here it is:

  1. clean it up based on the feedback,
  2. send to the editor,
  3. have layout done, and prepare to go to the printer,
  4. send to the printer
  5. mail out the orders 🙂

Not all feedback is as positive (although it’s all good, to help this be a better, stronger book). More on that later.

It’s a dream… are you living your dream?