How to nurture relationships without being a pest

Check out this post and video from Jill Konrath: How to Nurture Prospects Without Being a Pest

She is spot on.

Jill is a sales expert, training sales professionals.

You need to learn from her because as CEO of Me, Inc, you are also Chief of Sales.

If salespeople say “it often takes between 10-12 emails or phone calls before you actually connect,” and I say “you need to put your brand in front of someone seven times before you have brand recognition with them,” you should be getting a message loud and clear:

Networking is not a one-contact event.  It is something that happens over time, with continual communication.

Whether you need to communicate ten times or seven times is not point… the point is that you need to do it regularly.


Check out Jill’s post and video.  Here’s the key to her post:

“The key is to be a ______ ________….” read the entire post here.

If you are not using JibberJobber, or some other relationship management tool, how in the world are you going to try to keep track of how many contact points you’ve had with your prospects and contacts?  IT IS TIME…!