First 30 Days of Your Job Search

Fortunately spammers leave comments on really old blog posts that I have all but forgotten… and they turn my attention back to a really good post 🙂   That’s how I got this post back in front of me: Job Search Tips: What I Should Have Done In The First 30 Days

This is one of my favorite posts, and a really important one.  I talk about what my failed strategy included, and then what I would do now if I were to start over.  In the first 30 days I would (read the post to see more explanation):

  1. Prepare my resume and other marketing documents, 
  2. Find a coach or someone to hold me accountable,
  3. Figure out my finances and my “runway”,
  4. Really understand the recruiter’s role in my search (I would buy this book: How to Work with Headhunters)
  5. Really undersatnd the role of job boards, and not waste most of my time there,
  6. Network in person, even though it is hard and scary,
  7. Network online,
  8. Prepare myself mentally for a long search,
  9. Maintain relationships with my family,
  10. USE JIBBERJOBBER (of course I get to slip that one it… I’m biased, but it is still THE tool you need to use to organize it all).

In the comments there are some awesome additions.  Read the entire thing here.

4 thoughts on “First 30 Days of Your Job Search”

  1. May I have permission to adapt this for our job club?

    2. Come to the job club and find someone to keep your accountable, such as Socorro, John, Fred or another job clubber.

    Jason, when is the next webinar because we are going to show it to the job club?

  2. @Sterling – thank you 🙂

    @Socorro – of course… just please give me credit and point people to JJ and the blog (I know you will do this, but this is my blanket answer).

    I do weekly webinars (with a few exceptions). You can find the latest recording of it here, as well as a button to sign up for a live webinar:

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