JibberJobber Mobile: Getting Closer

Some of you know that we have been working on a native mobile application… it’s been in testing since the end of December and my QA team is doing a great job of finding issues before we release it.  Undoubtedly, you’ll find some issues once we release it, but we’re doing the best we can to minimize that.

This is Phase I of the mobile app, and I expect to make upgrades to it all year.

So there you go – a quick update 🙂 You can still navigate on a web browser to m.JibberJobber.com and see the web-optimized mobile interface.

3 thoughts on “JibberJobber Mobile: Getting Closer”

  1. Great to stumble into u guys just now! really happy you are tackling “CRM for job search”

    Glad to hear u have a mobile app down the pipe. Let us know if u need beta testers. Be happy to give it a spin once I develop a baseline of my career data using your existing UI.

  2. Can’t wait to see it and test it Jason.

    I’m doing a talk again on 3rd Feb so hopefully ready by then…always love letting people know about Jibber Jobber 🙂

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