Ten Courses Specifically Created For Dwight Schrute #theOffice #FREEapril

Pluralsight is free during the entire month of April. Click any of these images to go do the form to create  your free account. Rainn Wilson (this is Dwight Schrute undercover) just tweeted this… check out the video. This is so cool.

Here are 10 professional development courses Jim, Pam, and the team wishes Dwight would watch:

Leadership for Non-managers

Dwight wanted so bad to be the assistant regional manager. But he was simply the assistant to the regional manager. Those two letters made a big difference. Course by Jason Alba (me).

Time Management for Technical Professionals

We all know Dwight is one of the most technical professionals (and professional professionals) around. How he did all those pranks, and put so much thought into his antics, can probably be attributed to his wicked time management and planning skills. Course by Doru Catana.

Managing IT: Organizational Change Management

Working for a boss like Michael has change management written all over it. Lucky for Dwight, Pluralsight has a course for that. Course by Kevin Miller.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Aside from learning all about emotional intelligence and people skills from Toby, Dwight can learn a thing or two from this introductory course on emotional intelligence. Course by Jason Alba (me).

Keeping up with Technology

Seriously, the famous Dan Appleman is brilliant, but Dwight should have been the one to create this course. Okay… not true. Dan is a brilliant thinker and Dwight could only keep up on the tech to run his life and beet farm. Course by Dan Appleman.

Crisis Communication and Technology: Communicating with Colleagues

Really, Dwight is a master communicator… he might not need any help with communication. But, because he deals with (and unknowingly creates crisis) ALL THE TIME, this course might just be a nice refresher for him 🙂 Course by Alan Ackmann.

Boost Productivity Through Employee Happiness

I’m not sure that I can make a case that Dwight is interested in anyone’s happiness, but he certainly would like to see boosted productivity of pretty much everyone on the team (except Pam). Course by Kylie Hunt.

Embracing Change: Staying Agile in the Midst of Change

Another change course because… well, Dunder Mifflin! Seriously, change is in the air. Every. Single. Episode. This course would help anyone in that office know how to navigate those choppy waters. Course by Alice Meredith.

Motivating and Optimizing Team Performance

As assistant TO the manager, Dwight has an awesome opportunity to impact his team an and increase performance. Course by Ron Schindler.

Staying Organized to Improve Productivity 

Dwight is, if nothing else, organized. How else could he be so effective and productive? The thing that really messes him up, though, is when Jim disrupts his organization. Maybe more locks on his drawers. Course by Heather Ackmann.

Look, Pluralsight has over 7,000 courses. Just a handful are for professional development and soft skills. The key is that we continue our own education. Whether that is for project or product management, UX, design, programming, data, storage, security, etc., it’s there for you. Check it out!

Want another list? Check out Snowfly’s employee incentive and performance blog post: Sharpen Your Saw with Pluralsight’s #FREEapril

Pluralsight Free April Stay Home Skill Up