JibberJobber How To: Clean Up Your Tags

Tags are… awesome! Tags help us group and slice and dice out data.

I have tags for types of people (recruiters, friends, family, professional contacts, etc.), types of industries (software, Fortune 500, etc.), types of jobs (related to product management, related to executive function, etc.), and on and on.

The only problem is that sometimes I get a little too excited about tags, and I make up new tags that pretty much go unused. And then, instead of having a dozen useful tags, I have 80 tags… 70 of which I don’t use.  And this, my friend, is clutter. This does not spark joy.

Well, I got some good news. Cleaning up your tags is easy peasy. You can do this for Contact tags, Company tags, and Job tags… it’s all the same process.

First, from the main menu, go to the Contacts, Companies, or Jobs dropdown… depends on which tags you want to clean up. From that dropdown, click the “See more –>” option.


On that next page you’ll see a tile for Contact Tags (or Company Tags or Job Tags).  Click that.


Now you are on the tag management page (remember, this is just for tags under Contacts or Companies or Jobs – we don’t mix these up).  From here you can do three main things:

  1. Delete tags (deleting a tag will not delete the record it is associated with (see the x icon?))
  2. Rename tags (spell something wrong? Fix it here. (see the edit/pencil icon?))
  3. Merge tags (have a prod manager and prod mgr and product manager tags? Merge them into one tag here. (see the checkboxes on the left?)


This page is pretty self-explanatory… you can do record-by-record deleting… or you can click the checkboxes on the left and do bulk deleting.

Now, I’m not going to tell you what to do, or how to do it, but I will say that in my experience keeping tags that are unused (like the 5 above) are nothing but a waste. They were a good idea at one time, but I obviously didn’t use them… my recommendation is to keep it clean, and remove tags that are unused.

Have fun cleaning up 🙂